Despite the fact that Chuck is shaving his head right now and clogging up my sink, I'm in a great mood. I had yesterday off, and I have today off.
The sun does shine in Mulletville occasionally.
I can't believe there's only one Golden Girl left.
Yesterday at the beach, my friend and I were talking about sex. Actually, I was telling her about an article I read that said that if you're pregnant you should advise your partner not to blow air into your woman cave because it could create an air bubble that kills your unborn baby.
I'm going to file that under "Things I'd rather not know." Not that bubble blowing is part of my bedroom repertoire...
Wait, I don't have a repertoire.
Did you see this? Normally I'd say something funny about Chuck's problem not seeming so bad after all, but there's nothing funny about a toddler smoking.
I learned how to make egg salad this weekend. Had I known how easy it was to boil eggs, I wouldn't have let twenty years go by before I attempted it. Little victories, my friends. Little victories.
No matter how many times I read this book:

I cannot help but shake my head at Mr. Mallard's balls:

Your wife just popped out eight ducklings, dude. Stick around.
In other duckling news, my mom told my grandma, who told my aunt, who told my cousin, who told the mailman, who told my niece, who told the The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick Maker, so I should probably tell you: I have a bun. In my Easy Bake Oven.
For more randomness, head on over to the Un Mom.
OMG! Congratulations! When are you due? That is a kind of offhand way to mention it but whatever. Remember, no bubble blowing for the next 9 months (you might want to make it even longer since that doesn't really sound all that pleasant.
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!! YAY!!! congratulations! I remember when I was bunworthy with #1 and hubbie's idea of telling the family?
(sniffing air as he comes into my mom's kitchen)
"do I smell buns?"...
"we've got a bun in the oven" I hit him first then said "NO!" we aren't doing that to my parents! save that doozy for yours!
You don't really believe that hocum about pregnancy, do you???
Let's remember the amniotic sac, okay?
Oooh, you snuck it in right at the end there, didn't ya.
Congrats, again! (I'm sqeeeeing on the inside)
Big congratulations to you and the family! A little addition is such fun for a Big Brother...Junior will be grea, I'm sure. (As long as the little one doesn't attempt to touch any of his Thomas stuff)
Now, Chuck really better make a lasting end to the smoking. I wish him well on his quest to quit. As a former 10 year smoker, it's tough but definitely do-able. Just let him know you'll be placing the electric cig in his rear should he fall off the wagon! Just another form of reinforcement?!
And what the hell is up with the smoking toddler?! I think I saw him on Chelsea Lately last week and he's got the moves down pat. Now he just needs a sippy cup of vodka rocks and he's golden.
Wow, what great news! And about the bubble blowing--I heard it takes a lot of air to amke the air bubble--like enough air to blow up pool toys, and if that is going on in the bed room, there are other issues to worry about.
Now I've totally forgotten what my comment was going to be on the rest of your post because I'm sitting here dancing in my seat at the very last couple of sentences.
CONGRATS on the bun baking in your Easy Bake Oven!! WooHoo!!
RTT: Stylin', Rats, Frogs and Princss Nagger
Congratulations on your Bun in the oven!
Sad that papa duck just left like that. And that book won an award too (what are they teaching our kids these days).
The best of skill in cooking up a great bun.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You know, now that you told us, you're going to have to dedicate a post soon with some details.
No, no, not details about "how, when, where" it happened (get your minds out of the gutter) -- but about the baby!
Actually you do need to share the intimate details. Position makes a huge difference in the sex of the baby and we need to know. *deadpan face* :D
So happy for you guys! What a blessing!
How wonderful.
It was all those baby goat pictures, wasn't it.
Especially since you don't have a repertoire and all.....
Chuck is going to need to clean his hair clippings out of the sink, I heard you can't do that kind of stuff when you're pregnant.
Hey, whoa, way to bury the lead below disturbing videos of smoking babies. Congratulations.
Congrats!!! Another Thomas addicted, lots of questions, 1 hr long book reading kid is just what you need. :)
Plus it might stop Chuck permanently from smoking. Hopefully.
But about Mr. Mallard! He's a real ass if you ask me. That part struck me wrong as well. Yeah. When was that written? Like 1940 or so right?
Great, the Candlestick maker found out before we did? Sigh.
Congratulations! Woo hoo! Hopefully Chuck does a better job than Mr. Mallard.
Those damn Mulletville winters... nothing to do but fornicate.
So, you decided to join the rest of the free world and have another. That's what all the puking was about. Lucky you! Congratulations and it gets that much crazier. Can't wait to hear the stories that go with 2.
What?? It gets crazier with #2? How come no one told me??
I'm so happy happy happy for you! wooohooo
And yes, Mr. Mallard is a Duckjerk!
That's awesome!! Congrats! I recently dropped the news on my blog too. Yay! Babies! Squeeedom!
Congratulations! Now you'll need that little piece of random information that you didn't know you would need to know!
Happy Tuesday!
Congratulations, lady!! Very subtle delivery.
Pun intended, har har...
Congrats! Love the announcement.
Easy Bake Oven...
buahaha...well the Easy part was right?
bubble blowing...hmmm.
I had to read that last part like three times. Congratulations! I'm always happy when someone else is pregnant. Yay for other people's babies! Yay for you & Chuck!
No wonder Mr. Mallard's excursions rubbed you the wrong way. ;)
:( Betty White is the last Golden Girl. Bummer.
Awesome post... loved the duck balls ha ha! Explain about the shaved head? :)
I love it when people have buns in their ovens...fantastic!
Aw, congrats. A new little mullet-wearer!
Thanks for all the congrats!
Katherine, Chuck shaves his head because he's 70% bald. Shaving it makes it look like a choice. Heehee.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! :)
Wow! Congratulations on your bun! Can't wait to hear your take on life with a newborn and preschooler. Should be hilarious.
Congrats! I'm assuming that you aren't talking about a teeny chocolate cake here...well, those are pretty good, so either way, CONGRATS!
I've been reading for a while and love your dripping sarcasm. I've never commented before when a blogger says they're preggers, because they always sound so sappy about it. but this is different! Wheee!
To your good health
wha?! The way you casually inserted that right at the end, I thought you maybe just joking!!
Congratulations!!!! Hope you're doing great!
congratulations! can't wait to read more about it! Are you sick? How far along are you? Do you know the father? :) haha
delurking to tell you CONGRATULATIONS!
Congratulations. That is so exciting! Enjoy being pampered...and if no one is doing it? Smack him, I mean them. :)
Well if that wasn't the most roundabout, hidden prego confession I've ever read...! You're cracking me up over here! I love it! Congratulations!
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