Last year, we celebrated our love with leather—mmm, leather—this year it's supposed to be fruit or flowers.
I don't know who's making these official lists, but if I want to commemorate my love for you with bananas and Shasta Daisies, by hell I'm going to do it.
I'm looking forward to our evening out tonight (no, not at Squirt's). I hope I don't throw up during dinner and that I can stay up past 8:30 p.m. I know you do, too. After all these years together, it's nice to know that even if I do puke and pass out, you'll be there for me.
Just like on our first date.
Thanks for being the kind, patient man you are. Thanks for being such a great father. Thanks, too, for helping out more around the house. That day you vacuumed without me asking you to was, like, one of the highlights of my life.
Seriously, I made it my Facebook status.
I know you're still kind of bummed that I haven't legally changed my name, but until people stop saying "Are you serious? That's really your last name?" to you, I'm going to have my reservations. Still, I'm wavering.
(Before I was just pretending to.)
Here's hoping for many more years together.
I love you.
Happy Anniversary!
Find a restaurant that serves bananas foster and you're golden. And stick a flower into the end of his new electric cigarette...that'll really show your love!
Ha! I really thought the "banana extravaganza" was a reference to the activies you had planned for the evening!
Sweet picture! (But now I feel compelled to sleuth my way around the internet trying to find out Chuck's last name. Is that creepy or what?)
Damn. I really want to know his last name. Did you let him hang that name on Junior?
Happy Anniversary!
Sniff, awww. Congratulations. And it's your day, use your fruit any way you want!
Awwwwwww. How sweet! For your anniversary, you inadvertently gave Chuck internet stalkers!
Happy Anniversary! I thought the banana reference was to some rocking good times. I loved pregnancy sex. :D
happy anniversary. try to have fun
happy anniversary. fingers crossed for no puking.
Happy Anniversary!!
Awwwww! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary...
Have a wonderful time. Take a nap or two or three and you'll stay up 'til at least 9
Have a FABULOUS night... and no barfing and passing out!
Leather, hmmm?
You should skip the bananas and go chocolate sauce and whipped cream.
Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary!
Sweet! I had to laugh because I didn't take my husband's last name either mostly because I just don't like it. Mine sounds better. I know its shameful but until now I've never heard anyone else say it out loud too.
I refuse to take the last name of my intended--no one ever says to me, "And how to you spell that", about my name..and so it shall remain.
This is funny, the kids and I were joking around the other day and I was saying their first and last names out loud. For some reason they thought it was hysterical. And I had to think about J's last name for a second and was kind of like, "oh, yeah. Heh."
Um, happy anniversary!
Thanks, everyone!
Sara, what's this thing called pregnancy sex that you mentioned?
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
lol happy anniversary, hope he vacuums your rug many years to come..
Happy Anniversary! Hope the puking was kept to a minimum and the bananas plentiful.
I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
I didn't change my last name either... :)
Happy Anniversary!! It was Last Fall I think before I finally got my main ID card changed over. I had been signing everything and had other IDS with the new name but 14yrs it took me to get that Main People Counter ID changed.
Happy Anniversary!
I too was pregnant on my 4th anniversary, except with mine it was #3. maybe, if you're lucky, it could be #2 and 3 for you too!
Okay, biting my tongue now...
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