Yes freaken way! Richard Hatch, winner of the first season of Survivor. He didn't have body guards or anything but aren't my photography skills extra sleuthy?
Note the appropriate response here is: "When did THAT happen?" because let's be honest, life is moving so fast, there's ...
Cool! And at least he had some clothes on. (Wait. Richard Hatch was the one who walked around naked, right?)
Wow! Random.
And super sneaky photo. I just posted a sneaky photo on my blog, but it wasn't a winner of survivor and all around world's biggest a-hole. Just some weird guy.
Did you ask for his autograph?
Awesome...kind of...not really.
And also, I purposely didn't comment on your last post just to prove I didn't HAVE to.
wow. you really think it's him? really? I can't tell with clothes.
Hmmm, sneaky or stalker? You decide.
you are basically famous now.
You have a future with the paparazzi, I think.
that's awesome. lol
Lucky, lucky you.
I thought he was still in jail....
and he's not naked!
He kind of looks like he was stalking YOU.
He looks like he's posing for some soft-core p)rn scene. Are you sure there wasn't filming going on behind you?
Once on spring break I met Boner from Growing Pains. I know, I know, you are so mad that I just bested you, aren't you?
Very Sneaky - Why is he licking the other guys feet? I smell a tabloid story!
Headline - "Survivor Winner Eats Feet In the Wild"
I thought he was in jail. Almost cool. :D
Survivor photo bomb!
I am jealous. When am I ever going to accidentally take a picture of a Survivor winner?
So, did you go over and introduce yourself?
I thought he was still in prison.
I had to hire professionals to get him out of my yard once.
I, too, thought he was in jail. There's a legacy, eh? I want people to hear my name and then immediately assume I'm
1. in jail
2. or naked.
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