Two questions. Where's the kidney stone branch of your foundation, cause that's the one I really care about. And second, under the "donate" section of your website, where's the box for "live person"?

I just drugged my husband; he's propped up in the car. I've only got 30 minutes to get him to you for analysis—or whatever it is you'd like to do with his ample supply of kidney stones—before he comes to and starts groaning again.
Please. End the groaning.
That poor man! Is he still suffering?! Oh I feel for him! I've never had stones, but have many years of kidney and bladder issues. Hang in there, poor husband!
Kidney stones are the worst! I know from personal experience. I hope they pass soon. That should end the groaning.
I'm so sorry. is there anything to do besides suffer through? drugs or something?
Good luck to Chuck!
(hey, that rhymed)
Oh, poor Chuck.
I have heard they are awful.
Some of those kidney stones are actually quite pretty--you can turn them into nice jewelry!
I forgot what I was going to say after I read the comment about turnng the kidney stones into some nice jewelery.
I love The Mother's suggestion and just think he could produce more kidney stones, you could make jewelry and sell it on
Oh god, I hope it's big enough so they'll just break it up instead of making him pass it!
Just hearing about kidney stones makes me curl up into the fetal position. Thanks.
I've not had a stone lodged as yet, but have pain a few days a month with what they call "gravel"--small enough to pass. It is the pits--or should I say, the gravel--hope hubby is feeling better soon. No one should live with that kind of pain.
The passing is a pain like no other. I'm saying a little prayer for Chuck.
Oh man....Still groaning away is he? Good luck with that!
Kidney stone jewelry. I love it. I'm going to tell Chuck about it.
Poor guy. Hope he's feeling better soon.
Although in the interim, maybe invest in some ear plugs. There is only so much sympathizing a woman can do between work and child rearing and all that groaning.
What misery for chuck. I hope they pass really soon.
So sorry to hear. I hear they are very painful. Ouch!
Poor guy!!
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