Get it? Rocky Neck. There are rocks as far as the eye can see.

You're practically guaranteed a day of "Stop throwing rocks!"
"Please, please, don't throw rocks...I don't want to have to say it again."
"Dammit! Would you stop *&$%ing throwing rocks?!"
But least when Junior was busy throwing rocks I didn't have to keep answering his concerned "Why is she naked? Is she naked?" questions about the girls in bikinis.
Why do they have to notice everything?
I know...why do they notice what we don't want them to but don't notice what we want them to. Huh? I've confused myself. It's been a very long day. I gotta go to bed now.
(Still, I can relate..but today I had to say "Don't chase the cat! Don't chase the *%#$!@ cat!" all day long at my parents' house in the country.
Try telling him that those girls look that way because if you throw too many rocks your clothes fall off... ;-)
My niece has that hat, but its the girl's 'Daisy Bling' version - lol
At the beach we do a lot of "Don't throw sand at people." Rocks hurt more, but getting sand in your scalp sucks.
Last week my three year old noticed a naked guy in his front yard and said "EW, that guy nakey." He was shirtless in tiny little shorts, with all his gray chest hair blowing in the breeze. He might as well have been naked. It was indeed "ew".
Don't throw rocks in general, or just don't throw rocks AT something? I'm pretty sure *I* wouldn't be able to go to that beach and not throw rocks......
I am still wearing two sweatshirts, a sweater and a hat.
If Junior threw a rock at me it would bounce off.
Don't throw rocks at people or when people are walking by...or fistfuls of rocks caked with mud...or rocks at each other...or at yourself...
I was ordering bras online and the six year kept saying, "Heather's looking at boobies!!!"
What fun! I happen to know that chant well...all our local parks and playscapes still have pea gravel for ground cover. Surprisingly, it is fun to throw and snack. I, myself, have never takena nibble but the kids seem to dig it as much as candy or cake.
Here's a dilemma for you.
What would you pick/How would you rank your picks:
Rocky Neck Park, Day Out with Thomas or family flu shots at the local pharmacy. All 3 hold such great potential for screaming and chaos.
It's kinda like that game who would you sleep with/marry/push off a cliff?.
Inquiring minds want to know - and throw rocks in a rocky place - geeesh, mom!
It's a lost cause. Throwing rocks at that park is given really.
Sounds like a fun day out. I'll be sure to tell hubby about this trip, and then I'll stay home.
So, let me get this straight. You took your kid to a rock park and then?
Don't put a wolf in a pasture, don't take a letch to a strip club, and don't take a little boy to a rock park.
Heh. I can't think of a better way to spend Sunday afternoon.
By the way, as soon as you get him to stop throwing rocks, your husband will start teaching him to skip rocks, and you'll be back to the drawing board.
Those naked toes just look frozen!
"No, Jr., she's not naked, she's a skinny whore."
Why couldn't they throw rocks? Sure they shouldn't throw them at each other or people in general but throwing them into the water is great fun. It's even more fun when you teach them how to skip the rocks. I don't think I would be able to not throw rocks if I was there.
And he is adorable!
Yes, well at least he's not talking about headlights yet or throwng rocks at them. Just DO NOT take him into work with you. Sigh. Love that last post but that woman - Michelle? What an idiot. Just sayin'.
OK mom - what exactly did you think he would do at Rocky Neck State Park? He's a boy, with nothing around him but a pile of rocks (oh and the bikini girls) - I'd have a hard time not skipping some rocks -
That could be a fill in the blank at our house. "Don't throw _____"
Naked ladies, huh? Starting early.
Is it a prerequisite that you say that? Because unless the kids are throwing rocks at ME, I'm too lazy to tell them not to.
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