This year, however, I have been dreaming about wearing white capris. They're so cheery. So youthful. So impractical. So...unflatteringly white.
For months I've refrained from even trying them on because I worried what the white fabric would do to my ass. Would I look like I was sporting two marshmallow cushions? Would my derriere look like a U-shaped, lumpy dollop of extra thick mayonnaise?
Still, the voice persisted. Try them on. Just do it. DO IT!
So I pawned the kids off on my husband, went to a few stores, and tried on every pair of white capris I could get my hands on. And I finally found them—the perfect pair. I really, truly found them. And I want to tell you about them on the off chance that you, too, have been dreaming about wearing white capris but fear what they'll do to your caboose.
They're made by ELLE™. They're just $32.99 at Kohl's. You can't tell from this picture, but they have a back pocket design that is very flattering.

See? (I made Chuck take about 400 pictures of my backside before giving this one the thumb's up, by the way. He was thrilled.)

The best part is that the pants sit a little lower on the hips, so if you're stuffin a little muffin, it doesn't spill out over the top.
Great news, right? Right?
Now that I own them, the only problem is actually leaving the house in them. Every time I go to put them on, I imagine their tragic fate. Someone's dog rubs his muddy nose in my crotch. One of my children sneezes while eating a bite of pizza and turns them into a Jackson Pollock painting. I sit in a pool of purple popsicle juice.
The fear...the drama...the intrigue...
Ah fuck it, I'm going for it.
Disclaimer: I was not compensated/contracted by Hellmann's, ELLE™ or Kohl's to write this post.
Well, there is always Rit dye (if they still make it or I am showing my age.) Then you can have formerly white capris.
You should have bought two pairs....
I have a pair of white capris that I bought two duty stations ago. I've worn them once... not because I don't like them, but because I can't possibly wear them around my kids and keep them clean.
But white capris ARE cute, huh?
patty stole my line...shoulda bought a back up pair...then you will never need them
Not quite sure I could go for it with white capris. I have a hard enough time keeping a white shirt clean. Generous little boys always help me get something on it.
AM I going to be the one who finally comments to tell you "great ass, girl!" That's how I roll. Because if I was going to finally indulge in jeans that required a great ass and take several pictures to demonstrate how good they look? I'd want someone to tell me...but not is a creepy way. No, not me.
I bought a pair of shorts for the first time in 7 years. I don't think I am ready for white pants yet. Baby steps...
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