And even if you put him to bed without incident...
If you yourself feel a wee twinge of not-so-goodness after doing the dishes but swear you won't succumb to the bug (I'll go down fighting!)...
And even if you want to relax and treat yourself to a little "spa" time in your bathroom because you put said child to bed without upchucking...
If you stumble upon a free sample in your cosmetic bag...
And even if you think Perfect! A mini facial...
Do not use this product:

You will gag upon application.

The minty, earthy smell will not prevent you...
...from hurling after the picture is taken.
Sick mothers of nauseous children really should be doing more product testing before this shit gets put on the shelf. Can I get an amen?
It looks like goat bloat. Icky poo
you know, i just ate.
And yeah, anything that looks like that? Shouldn't go near your face. Just sayin'.
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