So I can share some exciting news: My husband Chuck got a full-time job, and he's starting at the end of this week!
He's been a stay-at-home dad/freelancer/TV personality (ok, ok, it was just one episode) since being laid off in 2009.
Fricken 2009, man.
I'm happy for him. Getting laid off takes its toll, particularly in this crappy economy.
I'm also happy for myself (we can finally afford fig newtons again). But. I'm also sad. He'll be away a lot. The job entails travel and long hours. The kids are going to miss him. And I'm going to miss him in his Mr. Mom role—even if he didn't have a stuff drink waiting for me when I got home from work, nor was he wearing something sexy.
He never quite got that aspect of our role reversal.
It's going to be a big change. I'll be managing two kids and a full-time job all by myself. Taking out the garbage. Doing laundry. Cooking dinners. Bathing the kids.
Five days a week.
All by myself.
Oh, God.
See, dammit. I knew those ugly-yet-buttery-soft clogs were a good purchase. (Thank you, T.J.Maxx.) If only they came with super powers.
But enough about me: Congrats, Chuck!
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Congrats Chuck! I think this means you get stiff drink delivery straight to your front door as soon as those munchkins are in bed! But seriously...this is a bad job market. I am so happy for you guys and hope the change isn't too stressful.
Good for you and Chuck! Being a stay at home dad is great, if it's your choice, but it sucks if you're relegated to that role by unemployment. Welcome back to the rat race, Chuck.
Super congrats to Chuck in this economy.
Goat hugs to you
Congrats to both of you! Fig newtons are so worth it!
congratulations to Chuck but I definitely feel for you! Make sure you stock up on alcohol. :)
I feel for ya. But still happy, nonetheless. You'll make it work, and Chuck can bring home the booze.
Guess that "Will work for Newtons" sign finally worked. Congrats on Chuck's new job! Fingers crossed the you get your Mon-Fri vibe down quickly!
Hurray for Chuck! And I'm thinking the extra cash will make it worth the hard work and misery. Plus, it's nice to have a husband who feels all good about himself and everything! Those men...
Congrats Chuck! And here's to being able to buy cookies!!
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