By fucking gawd I made it through another Monday.
Getting through the day kind of felt like sliding down a metal pole on my teeth, but hey—hey!—tomorrow is Tuesday, and you know what that means...
It means that Chuck told me I'd better not come home right after work. He wants me to spend the evening doing something for myself. He's going to feed the kids and put them to bed and he doesn't want to see me until at least 9 pm.
I should be thrilled, but I have no idea what the hell to do. Borders went out of business, so there goes the ever-so-cliche idea of sipping a latte while browsing through stacks of books. The local watering hole is way too local. I don't like strangers touching my feet, so no pedicure. I splurged on some fall clothes last weekend, so no more shopping for me.
The movies are too expensive. Ditto for a cut and color. I'm not looking for random sex, so cruising the commuter parking lots along I-95 is out. And I don't like horses, so there'll be no horseback riding.
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Tell Chuck to take the kids to dinner and not to be home until 9 PM so you can enjoy your house all to yourself.
Park the car somewhere safe ( hey, I live in Johannesburg! It has to be a consideration!) turn the music low, kick off your shoes, wind the seat down, add a light spritzer, box of croutons.... And pretend you can take a little nap. I have even parked the car in my garage without anyone knowing - which gave the family a heart attack when they came upon me sleeping! The fact that there wasn't an engine running or a large hosepipe in sight didnt stop all hell from breaking loose!
go to the Barnes and Noble grab a drink and read a book
take your self out to dinner and a movie for pete's sake! I know it can be expensive but's for one, so it's not like it's as expensive as a date or the whole fam.
Enjoy...and sneak some liquor into the theater.
Well damn, you ruled out all the fun stuff, like random sex.
Seriously, you sound so much like me. Pedicures - ugh!!
Dare I ask if there's a public library that's not terrifying? I love the library.
I go to yarn stores and knit. Well, every Thursday night I do. Otherwise, I don't know what I'd do with myself. Which I realized the one night when I walked in the door from work and walked straight back out to my car and drove off. After driving to the hiking trail, I realized I was alone on the hiking trail and was probably going to end up murdered. So I drove home and sent the people there to the store, so I could have some peace and quiet. I feel ya!
Go to the library. Or, if this is going to be every Tuesday, try to find a reading group, or a knitting group or something.
I'm late to the party. So what did you do?
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