I'm afraid that one of these days I'm going to go to the Island of Sodor and never come back.
I can't complain too much though. Really. Junior is happy to pass the time pretending to be Sir Topham Hatt. About 20 times a day we overhear this from the living room:

That Fat Controller is so critical. And loud! Curiously loud. I was interested to see how Junior was able to throw his voice so well, so I checked in on him.

At least the damn breast pump is good for something.
Bwahahaha! You gotta love kids. They can play with ANYTHING.
Love it!!! I came back from visiting the facilities to find Mr4yrs using mine as a gun to shoot the bugs with :D
He'll love that picture when he's older!
I bet he could work wonders with a tampon, too.
And have him entertain you on snow days by dancin' with it to this TtTankEngine 'Pump' song too.
Be sure and keep the video. ;-)
LG used two of them to make alien horns ala Sesame Street one day. Ugh. At least the kids enjoy them, right?
The punch line was perfect.
Hi Froggy! Just stopped by to let you know I have started a new blogroll rule at The Chronicle. If I'm on yours, you're on mine. I've had you up for a year...come check it out.
Roaring. Just roaring.
Ha! Man, I miss the good old Thomas days. At 5 years old, my son suddenly announced that Thomas was "too babyish" and thus ended what had before been a total obsession. It also saddled me with about $1000 worth of trains and stinking wooden tracks!
My kids never really did Thomas. We were Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers, followed closely by Pokemon.
And now they will vigorously deny every single action figure.
That boy needs to get out more.
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