I'll bet it makes you look anxiously forward to the days when Junior gets old enough to insist on going potty by himself. You can send him in with a can of mace to fend off the oddballs or a can of spray paint in order to fit in. Just make sure he can properly spell whatever obscenities he needs to convey in the walls.
Now you've got me wondering what they did to merit closing it down. Great, Monday at 10:am and I'm wondering what the inside of the men's room in mulletville looks like. A sign of the great day to come, I'm sure.
It's a dodo kinda story. Wonder if the vandalism involved poopoo? One of my employees just got back from cleaning out a pooped in truck on a job-site. Gag gag gag.
Maybe the vandalism had to do with doodoo so they had doodoo on the brain and it was a kind of play on words. Then again, they would have misspelled doodoo, too. Dodo is a bird, not feces.
...and "duck" tape. :)
Shame on you, vandalising the local toilets and then mocking the sign they put up.
I'll bet it makes you look anxiously forward to the days when Junior gets old enough to insist on going potty by himself. You can send him in with a can of mace to fend off the oddballs or a can of spray paint in order to fit in. Just make sure he can properly spell whatever obscenities he needs to convey in the walls.
Ah, Mulletville!
Oh, that's too funny! So using the right words must be hard for those in mulletville!
Seriously funny! :)
Now you've got me wondering what they did to merit closing it down. Great, Monday at 10:am and I'm wondering what the inside of the men's room in mulletville looks like. A sign of the great day to come, I'm sure.
It's a dodo kinda story. Wonder if the vandalism involved poopoo? One of my employees just got back from cleaning out a pooped in truck on a job-site. Gag gag gag.
I suppose they get points for honesty. You need a new hangout.
LOL...yes the duct tape has to be a classic...
I'll chalk it up to phonics and the fact i am a bad speller I had to read the sign twice...
Nice... classy.
Maybe it should have read "doo" to vandalism and that would have explained it
I was going to make a "doo, as in doo-doo" comment, too.
Gotta love Mulletville! Seriously? That's funny!
Do you think it was due to some doo-doo to? I mean two? I mean too?
Maybe the vandalism had to do with doodoo so they had doodoo on the brain and it was a kind of play on words. Then again, they would have misspelled doodoo, too. Dodo is a bird, not feces.
I guess spell check didn't catch that.
Wow, you really "due" live in Mulletville!
Can you really "do" vandalism?
Haha, this one's funny too! Thanks for commenting on my funny sign. ;)
DO, definitely happens in there.
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