Junior wasn't really hungry at dinner last night. Chuck and I were just about to start clearing the plates when Junior shouted, "I need a chocolate doughnut! I need a chocolate doughnut!"
I've been really careful about not giving Junior too many sweets, so I had no idea how the hell he even knew about chocolate doughnuts, let alone had cravings for them.
Until I remembered the Dunkin' Donuts bag I'd found under the car seat earlier that afternoon.
"You've been giving him chocolate doughnuts haven't you?" I asked Chuck.
"Don't lie."
"I'm not."
"Junior, who gave you a chocolate doughnut?"
He looked from me to Chuck. "School bus."
Junior, I highly doubt that a large yellow bus meant for carrying school children gave you a chocolate doughnut. Stop covering up for your father. When you came home from your grandmother's a few weeks ago shouting "go Yankees!" the connection was clear. This time, there's some gray.
Work with me. Or you'll never taste chocolate again.
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We have the same forgetfullness when it comes to Starbucks. We allow one trip per week (for the kids of course, we get more) and I have uncovered more trips...dads. hmph.
it's the lack of evidence removal that gets me!
`Its those dang drive-thrus!
Yeah, the back of our car is awash in McDonalds bags. I told him I didn't care if he shortened his own lifespan, but the least I could do was set a good example for X. And yet - I still find half-eaten Happy Meals. Grawr!
Get used to it. These are shameless attempts to get him to like Daddy best.
Chuck is totally shameless.
Anyway, gotta run, promised bubba I'd sneak her a donut while the Missus is out...
Don't you just love how hubbies hide everything - even giving the kiddos chocolate donuts. Mine is always doing the chocolate milk thing (right b4 dinner so then they are full up of all that milk!)
I can just see his mind working as he comes up with school bus. Guys have to stick together.
"Junior, who gave you a chocolate doughnut?"
He looked from me to Chuck. "School bus."
*cue sitcom laugh track*
yeah! My two sons have worked out a good strategy..they know they're allowed a certain number of candy per day and they manage to ask my husband and I (when we are not in the same room together) at different times, so that they can double their loot!!
You've got to love the kid's loyalty, and his unwavering love of chocolate donuts.
So, you're a Mets fan?
Fathers have to buy love.
We do it the old fashioned way. . . We earn it!!!
funny - there are MANY times when I feel like I "need" a chocolate donut and look around to see who might fulfill this need.
How do they learn so early how to protect their sources? My 4 year old will say something random like, "Shake your booty!" and when I say "Where did you hear that?" without hesitation she'll say 'God' or 'myself' or 'nowhere'. But let somebody make a mess and she is the first one to give the news.
How do they DO that?
My kids TELL on their dad. And me, actually.
Don't interfere in this poaitive kid-dad bonding moment.
Let them enjoy their little joke. A donut or two won't hurt.
I tagged you with a meme, come see and play.
Once a boy gets a taste of chocolate it's all over.
Mitchell didn't have chocolate until he was about 2 1/2 -- when he finally let him try it, he became an addict.
BTW, thank you for not spelling it "donut." That really bothers me.
Don't you get tired of being the heavy all the time. Damn I go crazy. JUst for once I wish my husband would draw the line and I could be irresponsible.
Hey, I expected them to be stale donuts. My kids find food under the car seat all the time. But, we've already established they are disgusting.
Princess Nagger gets spoiled by Dada that way, too...he's always bringing home something sugary or chocolaty or decadent - and she gets upset when I make her wait until the next day to eat it if it's too late...I don't need her bouncing off the walls at bedtime any more than she already does! :)
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