Evidently they're everywhere and out to get the rest of us. Resistance is futile? Keep resisting--mullets should have gone out with the 80s. Unfortunately other things from the 80s are coming back too. Skinny jeans anyone--they look great with a mullet.
W. T. H.?
But I have to say it does look marginally more attractive on a female doll than on a male Mulletvillian.
Speechless. Seriously?
Evidently they're everywhere and out to get the rest of us. Resistance is futile?
Keep resisting--mullets should have gone out with the 80s.
Unfortunately other things from the 80s are coming back too. Skinny jeans anyone--they look great with a mullet.
Mmm, that hair looks good enough to eat.
Awesome. I need to get me one of those.
I need that doll or I will die...simply die!
I think they wanted $10 for him. I can, um, send him to you for the holidays?!
OMG for real? Freaky!
You had me at mullet. :)
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