I know this picture is gross, but it makes me think about modern society and how cheap it feels lately. There's no context. No meat. It's all tweets, texts and twats and wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. Text me! Friend me! Give me your status update!
Communication's been whittled down to a stuffed stump on a metal pole—and the worst part is that my own greedy-for-Junior-news mother has become part of the machine. She's on Facebook.
She's holding the bucket, folks, and she wants the goods.
I blame Miley Cyrus.
And I'm taking the weekend off from this damn computer. Maybe Monday, too.
Hopefully they bought that stallion dinner first. Wow...hmmmm...wow. I know it happens but seeing it in technicolor, wow...hmmmm...wow.
I agree completely.
I find that it is necessary for me to take frequent 'technology breaks' for my own sanity.
Everything in moderation, right?
I don't think my job is so bad now, thank you very much. Enjoy your PC free weekend plus days.
Makes me glad the goats around here do it the old fashioned way....
I totally understand. You may have noticed my slow down in posts lately...
Have a great break.
Wow, that is just what I wanted to see before my weekend started. It really gets me in the mood.
I blame everything on Miley Cyrus, though I do have a little sympathy for her since her father is Mr. Achy Breaky Heart.
I hear you. Take the weekend off and uh, write a children's book or something. :)
What...what is going in that picture?
I think I'm traumatized.
I think I've found my next career opportunity...NOT.
Enjoy your break.
My Dad's on Facebook too.
It's a scary world out there.
So true...I know so much about friends I haven't actually talked to in months just from reading Facebook updates...
I also blame Miley Cyrus.
That turned me on.
A lot.
I agree with you. Totally.
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