I have a better name for the email: "Parenting classes are for everyone."
I want to thank you all for your supportive comments and suggestions on my last post. I have an appointment to speak with the daycare director in person this afternoon. We spoke on the phone briefly yesterday. I learned that she's 22 and works at a bowling alley after work.
Which may explain the daycare's affinity for hallway bowling.
[Insert pathetic Mulletville joke here]
He's so outta there!
That sandwich picture is so wrong. There's no mayo on it!
Good luck today!
um ya - the director should really be someone mature and experienced. i think you will be much happier somewhere else.
k. i was on the phone with my boss when i saw the photo. i about died.
good luck with the day care issues... just keep following your gut
Is it wrong I think that picture is hysterical?
I know what I'm talking about here - pull junior and keep searching until you find a daycare you're comfortable with.
I hope he took the diaper off before making the sandwich, if not I don't see how it could taste very good...
ooooh, babies are tasty with a nice lite beer.
Hmmmmm. 22, huh? So what exactly are her qualifications?
good luck today...i'm am FLOORED that she is so young running (if you want to call it running, I'd like to call big FAIL on that) this "preschool"...
yeah, i'd move on, he probably just likes the social part and there are plenty of places (i'd hope) to take him.
Wow! If the director is only 22...and moonlights at a bowling alley? I might question that just a bit.
I knew baby sandwiches would catch on...
Wonder how they got licensed with a child in charge of things? There are good ones out there. How about a pre-school at a local church?
The DIRECTOR is 22?!!!!
That is just wrong...
She is still a child.
You gotta go with your gut. And I should know, I have four of them
I am surprised your daycare is run by a 22 year old who works in a bowling alley (what is it about the bowling alley job that makes it so much worse). Are there other nearby daycares you could consider? Both you and Junior (and Chuck, of course) need to be happy with your daycare.
Cra-king up! Yes, I'd say you're completely justified in getting him out of there!
Holy hell. Get him out of there.
22?!?!?! I can barely manage to parent my OWN children at almost 31...let alone run a centre full of other people's kids. Holy Hannah...get him out of there NOW!
The DIRECTOR is 22 and has to work another job?
Time for another daycare.
Oh man I am so sorry that the preschool isn't working out :( Sounds like a really bad situation.
22?? wow! I've got friends who have had 4 yrsold by then, but knew better then to daycare other people's kids.
Too much lettuce for my liking.
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