That we are finally crawling out of the cold, dark ass crack that was winter 2010? Are we done with ear infections and sleet and shoveling and vomiting?
Yes! And no. Junior puked on me again last night. But even still, we're getting there.
How about you? Do you feel like you're starting to crawl out?
Slowly, but surely, we're peeping out of our holes. Whew, did this winter seem to take forever, or was it just me?
I'm loving your picture of the first signs! It gives me hope that it isn't going to eternally be winter.
How is your daycare situation going? Any progress? Update us!
I was...until they started forcasting snow for Saturday..grrr.
Uhm, snow in the forecast for tomorrow so I think not.
Up here I don't count on anything until July. Last year we had a hard frost in May and the year before we had four inches of snow on June 10th.
Wanna come live in Montana?
Wyoming is much the same as Montana--spring doesn't show it's face until May usually and snow is not unheard of in June-sometimes July and it has snowed in August before. Spring brings out the bipolar in Mother Nature here.
We have had warm weather but everything is still gray and barren. Meanwhile, half of us are sick.
yes - we are slowly digging ourselves out. so excited to see the sun.
We have had two days in a row of excellent weather-walking weather!! We walked my oldest to preschool this morning and it felt great. I cannot wait for it to warm up even more
Oh yes! I have weeds growing in the garden, Yippee! There is hope for spring.
tulips are popping out of my garden. yay for spring!
It's sunny but I have an ear infection....good times....good times.
Oh I was SO there last Friday, I drove with my windows down and my sun roof open. It was heaven!
Then it snowed on Saturday.
The sun's been paying us a visit! Lovin' it!
Darn tootin' I feel it!! I am no longer in the dark ass crack of winter. I am now deep in the armpit of spring, replete with dog crap and muck! But, still...AWESOME!!
Oh yeah, but they're now calling for snow next week. I'm doubling my meds.
i crawled out on my deck and sat in the sun for a half hour - it was awesomely awesome.
Yah for the sun mentions. Boo for the snow.
Hi! Found you via Working Mom's forum. Great Blog! It will be sunny here and 65 tomorrow with snow on Saturday...sigh....
I think you might be right. All that cold you've been living with? It visited me this morning. It was colder than a witch's tit this morning when I went to take the kids to school. Can you please have it back? I'll love you forever!
I'm not ready to head to the beach or anything yet...
Hope Junior is feeling better. Another stomach bug. Ugh.
It is beautiful year round in Texas, you should move.
with sunshine like this? You Bet!!! Hallelulah
We have had barf for ten days now in the house.... NOT good... but I am so patiently waiting for Saturday... spring!!!
I do, I do! I saw my tulips poking out of the ground yesterday. I jumped up and down knowing I had survived the winter of 2010. It was a major accomplishment.
Suggestions to move to Montana and Texas...hmmm...
For the past two days I've been outside in the sunshine and it feels sooo good! Soon enough we'll be complaining about the heat, right?
Just barely. We have had beautiful weather here this week, but they're calling for up to 5 inches of snow this weekend. :(
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