I cannot wait to play Obi-Wan Kenobi later tonight.

If you, too, would like to spice up your sex life—I mean, ehem, stay warm while having your hands free to talk on the phone and pick your nose, now's your chance to win a Snuggie of your very own. Just leave me a comment promising me that if you win it, you'll wear it. (Also leave me a way to get in contact with you.)
I have two sage green Snuggies to share, along with an accompanying book light. I'll put all the names in a hat and let Junior pick two.
A word of caution: This thing is a static electricity monster. As I was taking it off, I stopped to turn off a light, and I almost electrocuted myself. Also, if you're not going to sack out on the couch in your Snuggie, you're probably better off with a good ole bathrobe. Walking around is cumbersome and your buns get a serious chill.
Good luck!
This is open to U.S. residents only. Leave your comment by Tuesday, December 16, 9 p.m., EST
Oh goodness - I can't believe you got one of those! That's AWESOME!!! I totally want one. I want to experience the electrocution high!!!
YES!!! I SO wanna be Obi Wan!!! Even in Sage Green...Pick me!!!!!
I totally don't know what it is, but I want it.
delia at ohdelia dot com
Oh me, me, me! Oooh, me!
What if I'm not a US resident, but I have a US address to mail it to? If I qualify, count me in. I need to snuggle...and sit. :) If not, good luck to everyone else!!!
Please tell me that you were the largest ad Snuggie has ever seen? Please also tell me that you'll include me in your drawing. Please further tell me that if I win the green Snuggie and pose with it, you will post the pictures for all the world to see and for my humiliation forthwith. People like me out there mooching for a Snuggie. Sheesh!
Sadly, I would wear this and probably believe I am the epitome of style. In fact, if I win, I will post photos on the Internet for all to see (ok, maybe not all, but anyone who visits my Web site).
Leanne, if you have a U.S. address you qualify! And I love the offers to post the Snuggie pics. Who would have thunk posting the ad to abuse and mock it would have uncovered all these Snuggie lovers??
I would love to have one of these. I'm always wrapped up in a blanket at my house. My husband makes fun of me.
This would be the perfect gift for my mom who wears flannel footed pj's (yes footed) around the house in July!
Oh, I so want one. I hope I win!
Not only will I wear it, but I will take a picture of myself wearing it for you to post on your blog...
and guess what I will be wearing underneath?? *wink, wink
I almost fell out of my chair laughing about you almost electrocuting yourself. I am already a static magnet, these might not be good for my health but I still want one.
Ooooo! I will totally wear it and send you a picture of me posing as the old Obi-Wan! I may even try to get Matt to be a sand creature...
Does it come with a pacemaker warning?
I don't qualify because I'm Canadian (does that make you racist?) but you MUST tell me your secret to getting all the as-seen-on-tv swag...
Keely, I'm miserly (I don't wanna pay to ship across borders) but if you want to meet me at Niagra Falls...? My secret to winning free as-seen-on-TV wares is this: I once dated Jack LaLanne. Swear.to.God.
I would so wear that. I love Sunggies.
I live in Wisconsin - so I need this and I would probably wear it to the grocery store.
I hope I am not too Late!!!! PLEASE Include me in the snuggie contest. I too will pose and post in this snuggie and make hubby do it too!!!!
Oh, I'll totally wear one. I plan to to do a lot of drinking once this next one pops out. How else will I keep warm AND hold my bottle - er, um, glass - of wine??? NEED SNUGGIE.
I just had to come back and see how many people were entering to win my Snuggie. I would totally be too hot to touch in this thing.
I'm on my computer, freezing, and trying to keep my arms under the blanket - then it hit me - I NEED THE SNUGGIE! Please add me to the contest :)
This is my first time to your blog and I cannnot figure out if you hilariously sarcastic or a little bit crazy and actually own one of these things? This commercial is like a spoof of a spoof of a commercial. "Blankets too hard to manage? try a Snuggie!"
Lawdy... just tell me you didn't pay for this thing.
I'm hilariously sarcastic and a LOT crazy and no, I did not pay for the Snuggie. Come now.
Totally great. I would definitely wear a snuggie. It looks warm and I'm always cold!
Man, I am bummed I missed this...what an great prize!
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