Hypothetically speaking, if, by some act of God, Chuck and I were able to leave Mulletville say, in the next few months, and I'd no longer be a Mulletville-ite, would you want to know the true identity of the town? Or would it be like when you read what you think is a picture-less book and you conjure up mental images of people and places, and you get to page 82 and there's a lame drawing that messes up all the cool stuff you had going on in your head? And you scream, "Noooooooooo! Betsy Bendover does not have a crooked nose and buck teeth, dammit!"
If you don't live in Connecticut or New England or the United States (hello, random reader in Finland!), I understand the information will be as intriguing as finding out that an ant chews on the left side of its mouth, not the right, but still...would you want to know? Cause some days the thought of exposing Mulletville is as delightful as the thought of mooning my boss.
P.S. Congrats to VandyJ, who won the Tommee Tippee 2-Pack Explora Truly Spill Proof Sippy Cups. Yeehaw!
Sure! Lay it on us!
Ants chew on the left side of their mouths? Really?
It's up to you! you of course forgot the Canadian that use to live in New England. :p
Woo Hoo! Thanks for picking me. Those will really come in handy with Bruiser--the kid drags his drinks everywhere.
I kinda like the mystery.
I say leave it a mystery. I used to live out that way, and I like imagining any one of the hundreds of small towns that Mulletville could be.
NONONONONO!!!!! THis is why I can't read a book and watch the movie. It's one or the other. You have NO RIGHT to recreate the scene I have already created which is Mulletville, where the men are slightly hairy and the women are too and the kids run around with braided "tails" wearing wife-beaters. And a few frogs hopping around too.
Of course I want to know! I hate when people try to keep me guessing. And I hate when I can't solve a mystery. Makes me very crabby and grumpy...
What's that about ants? Holy smokes!
I think that it would be interesting to know which town it really is, but on the other hand it might ruin my mental picture of the town! :)
Some goats know....
I already know and find Mulletville to be such a fitting name...I am not sure that you should give away the real identity!
Ants have MOUTHS?
Why yes, Keely, they do. The ant's mouth can serve a tremendous number of purposes such as hunting, fighting, weaving, transport, and, in one extremely interesting case, for propulsion by a snapping of the mandibles at a very rapid pace against a solid object.
The mouth is composed of the labrum, the mandibles, the maxillae, the labium, and the hypopharynx.
Aren't you glad you asked?
I like to know other mulletville type places so when people say bad things about Arkansas then i can say "Oh yeah. Well thye are even worse in (insert place). You would be doing me a favor.
It shouldn't be a secret forever, but probably as long as you live there. Maybe you should moon your boss, and 'out' Mulletville on the same day. Dream big, Mrs. Mullet. :P
Hells YEAH! I want to know!
I know New England pretty well having lived in MA for almost 10 years. And I know a few towns in CT. But let's face it, you can out the damned place and if we've never been there, how would we really know the difference? It won't ruin the illusion, trust me. :)
If you put it out there I will look it up on Google maps...thats the closest I will ever get (living happily in my own little town in Australia)
My vote is to leave it a secret. I have a view of this fantasy land filled with mullet-creatures. Like, baby mullets in strollers and old grandpa mullets with the tops of their heads bald. Even the local monastery features monks with mullets.
If I find out otherwise, I might be crushed. :-)
I like the anonymity of it, like Springfield in the Simpsons. Then again, you could put it out there for everyone and come back to give bus tours like Kramer in Seinfeld.
Two tv references, I probably need to read some more. What's this Bendover picture book?
Omigosh how could I ever ruin someone's image of hairy men and women and kids running around with braided "tails" and wife-beaters? I'd be a monster!
Yes, I want to know! We live in Westchester, NY, not too far away from you.
Dagmar's momsense
OMG YES! Having lived in Rhode Island and worked in Connecticut, I can only say, YESSSS.
No! Mulletville is Mulletville and forever unknown. Like Vera was never seen.
Nope, couldn't care less. Unless it turns out to really be my town and you've lived right next door, and secretly have taped everything I've done the past 7 years, and you are about to bribe me or put it on YouTube. Nope, still don't care.
Yes please!
I'm moving to CT very soon and want to make sure I don't end up in Mulletville!
I think you should do a post where people can comment if they want to know and then you can just email the people who want to know. LOL. I want to know too. :)
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