Prenatal vitamin: Take one hour before or two-three hours after meals
Blood glucose test: Take four times a day, two hours after beginning meal
Junior’s pre-op ear tube surgery instructions: Nothing to eat after midnight
Arrival of beeping garbage truck: 4:32 a.m.
Junior’s ear tube surgery arrival time: 8:00 a.m.
Major project at work: Teleconference in at 11 a.m.
OB-GYN ultrasound appointment to follow up on gestational diabetes diagnosis: 12:40 p.m.
Follow-up appointment at Mulletville Diabetes Clinic: 1:30 p.m.
Phone calls to family members/friends/post-op doctors to say “Junior is just fine”: 7
Average length of phone calls despite intentions to keep short by only saying “Mmhmm”: 12 minutes
Work files due at printer: 3:30 p.m.
Arrival time of yet another person who wants to look at my house but won’t make an offer because the street is too busy: 4:45 p.m.
Actual time work files were sent to printer: 6:15 p.m.
Number of fat cats crying to be fed: 2
Average weight of dirty dishes in sink: 7.2 lbs.
Ear drops for Junior: Three times a day in each ear for five days
Number of times attempted self-performed lobotomy: Not enough
Who's brain? That's what I want to know. Did you kill Chuck?
And you can't even drink! Arrgh!
I am exhausted just reading this LOL
Maybe it's time to start your maternity leave.
I need a drink now...
Seriously...you poor thing.
Sending you virtual chocolate.
Holy carp! How did you ever make it through that day???
Oh, that was YOU I stepped over on my way to put my head in the oven. So sorry, I smeared your brain.
(hang in there.)
Oh dear!
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