I had envisioned such a picturesque day. Lolling waves, the coo of gulls, blah blah. I did not expect Junior's minute vocal chords to let out such a piercing shriek as we tried to dip his feet in the sand. He screamed. Ditto for the salt water.
I guess it's better he didn't like it. If you can't already tell from the white glare, we don't exactly tan.
Y'know, he may just have sensitive feet. (Sand too hot, water too cold...) Not a big deal, of course.
Not so fast! My girl did the EXACT SAME THING first time at the beach! She now a total water baby and LOVES the sand! You're not getting off that easy...
While in Jamaica last month, the sand and salt made both of my boys break out in a rash in their nether regions, while my daughter had a great time and made fun of them and just how "untough" they were. Squealing sounds better than that.
Ok, ok it wasn't that bad! Tough crowd!
I hate when the little people get in the way of our expectations.
Believe me, all those picturesque pics those other, more perfect families have of their beach trips are just like their fabulous Christmas card pics - backed with a ton of blood, sweat and tears.
Too funny - he might like the beach next time.
That is an adorable picture!
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