Morning and night...

Bitching and moaning...


I guess I can't blame them. If I'd sat in a basement in Mulletville Lite for 30 years, waiting for liberation, and it came in the form of a trip to Mulletville, then a trip right back to Mulletville Lite, I'd be pissed too.
Maybe they need to meet up with a clan of weebles and have a feud
Never underestimate the threat of the Fisher Price Little People. They'll f*ck you up. Trust me.
You know you have been watching too much kid television when you want Bob and Wendy to get it on and get it over with already, You think you can actually see the trains mouths moving when they "talk", and all you really wan to do is shove a gag in Dora's mouth.
Maybe the Little People are on to something--bring on the TABs(Tasty Adult Beverages).
Oh my. I was just feeling kind of misty that my son has finally completely outgrown his Thomas obsession, but you've made me feel a bit glad to be off the Isle of S.
And you know, I miss those little people.
I needed that laugh this morning.
Hope all is well girl.
So funny! I love your blog, so glad I found it!
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