Chuck left me alone with the kids for the week so he could take care of some business out of state. Are we in trouble with the authorities? Is he meeting up with that Alaskan he's been sexting? Who knows.
Because the idea of being alone with a baby and toddler all by myself is absolutely terrifying, I ran away to Assachusetts, to the safety of my mother's house. I'll be back this weekend, just in time to finish packing for our move.
And then? Then I'm going on a bender with the ladies. A serious bender. Like, you'll be embarrassed to admit you associate me with kind of bender. (Oddly enough, two years ago at this time, I also went on a much needed bender with the ladies. Ok, it wasn't really much of a bender but hey, I left the house. Sometimes that's all that matters, right?)
P.S. Chuck, honey, since you weren't here to see it, this is what leaving the house with two kids looks like:

And yes, I brought the fan.
What ever it takes to get the kids to sleep. It always amazes my husband what is necessary for kids to travel. Until we get back and we have used everything we took. Mommy's magic bag of tricks is the key to sanity on a trip. Even if the trip is to the store or across state lines.
Have fun sans hubby and with mother.
Then REALLY have fun on bender.
Funny - my husband travels A LOT and I remember having two babies at home and being a little - okay a lot scared.. So I got an alarm - that helps - the dog helps too AND they would sleep with me.. Now they are teens - I still have the alarm and dog.. and my baby (she's 13) still likes to sleep with me..
I've Become My Mother
Kelly's Ideas
Amazing Salvation
Go for it. Have fun and enjoy your hangover.
Just to leave the house in the morning I have to take:
My gym bag with my work clothes since I do yoga on the way in
My school back pack, complete with laptop.
My lunch bag
My newspaper to read with said lunch
My purse crammed with important stuff, don't ask what
And a giant cup of coffee.
All in one trip to the car, I look like a homeless bag lady. And I'm not even taking any kids with me.
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